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Tom Papa: 2023 Comedy Tour

7:00pm Des portes | 8:00pm Event De Tous Ages

Billets à partir de $39.00*
  • le Avr 21
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With more than 20 years as a stand-up comedian, Tom Papa is one of the top comedic voices in the country. The comedian has had 5 highly rated stand-up specials on Netflix. Tom’s highly rated podcast, Breaking Bread with Tom Papa, features Tom and his guest eating, drinking, and celebrating the true meaning of breaking bread with insightful, revealing and always funny conversations. He also hosts the popular daily Netflix radio show, What A Joke With Papa And Fortune on Sirius XM Channel 93 and the monthly show, Come To Papa Live on Channel 94. Tom has starred in many fan-favorite films including Paper Spiders where he stared opposite Lily Taylor, The Informant opposite Matt Damon, Analyze That opposite Robert DeNiro, and The Haunted World of El Superbeasto opposite Paul Giamatti. He can also be seen alongside Michael Douglas and Matt Damon in the HBO film, Behind the Candelabra, which was directed by Steven Soderbergh and won 11 Emmys. On TV, Tom hosted the NBC series, The Marriage Ref, which ran for two seasons and had a recurring role opposite Julia Louis-Dreyfus on the CBS series, The New Adventures of Old Christine.

* Plus les taxes et les droits.
Les rabais accordés aux détenteurs de la Carte Club sont offerts uniquement sur les billets achetés aux Casinos. Bien que nous faisions tous les efforts pour que les renseignements concernant les spectacles soient corrects sur notre site Web, nous vous prions de téléphoner à Ticketmaster au 1-855-985-5000 pour obtenir l’information la plus récente sur la disponibilité des places.