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BONEY M Featuring Liz Mitchell

Liz Mitchell is a Jamaican born British singer who is most famous for being the voice behind Boney M, one of the UK’s most loved disco and reggae bands. In 1976 she got a call to become a part of the band we know and love as Boney M.

After initial work lip synching for TV, the group soon started recording with Mitchell as the vocal core and & the integral voice of the band. Though she did not contribute significantly as a songwriter, Mitchell’s vocals are widely regarded as the most distinctive part of the Boney M sound. After the band split in 1986, Liz went on one more tour in 1987 and then went on to release many great solo albums. 2004 saw her put out Liz Mitchell Sings the Hits of Boney M and she still tours as Boney M. featuring Liz Mitchell to big crowds all over the world.

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BONEY M. featuring Liz Mitchell

NOV 29
6:00pm Des portes | 7:00pm Event De Tous Ages

Billets à partir de $39.00*
  • le Juil 13
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BONEY M Featuring Liz Mitchell

Liz Mitchell is a Jamaican born British singer who is most famous for being the voice behind Boney M, one of the UK’s most loved disco and reggae bands. In 1976 she got a call to become a part of the band we know and love as Boney M.

After initial work lip synching for TV, the group soon started recording with Mitchell as the vocal core and & the integral voice of the band. Though she did not contribute significantly as a songwriter, Mitchell’s vocals are widely regarded as the most distinctive part of the Boney M sound. After the band split in 1986, Liz went on one more tour in 1987 and then went on to release many great solo albums. 2004 saw her put out Liz Mitchell Sings the Hits of Boney M and she still tours as Boney M. featuring Liz Mitchell to big crowds all over the world.

* Plus les taxes et les droits.
Les rabais accordés aux détenteurs de la Carte Club sont offerts uniquement sur les billets achetés aux Casinos. Bien que nous faisions tous les efforts pour que les renseignements concernant les spectacles soient corrects sur notre site Web, nous vous prions de téléphoner à Ticketmaster au 1-855-985-5000 pour obtenir l’information la plus récente sur la disponibilité des places.

BONEY M. featuring Liz Mitchell