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Crash Test Dummies - Jingle All The Way & Thier Greatest Hits!

In November the Crash Test Dummies will bring their never-before-toured holiday release to Canadian audiences. The record, ‘Jingle All the Way’ released in 2002, and is a bit of delightful holiday camp and irony afoot. From Brad Roberts' slow-mo delivery of "White Christmas"--with its heavy Hammond Organ--to Ellen Reid's Patsy Cline take of "O LiXle Town of Bethlehem," done in a convincing country-western style complete with pedal steel guitar. The dynamic and engaging stage show will feature original members Brad Roberts, Ellen Reid, Dan Roberts and Mitch Dorge who will be joined as always by Stuart Cameron and relative newcomer, Leith Fleming-Smith.

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Crash Test Dummies - Jingle All The Way & Their Greatest Hits!

DéC 21
6:00pm Des portes | 7:00pm Event De Tous Ages

Billets à partir de $34.00*
  • le Août 18
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Crash Test Dummies - Jingle All The Way & Thier Greatest Hits!

In November the Crash Test Dummies will bring their never-before-toured holiday release to Canadian audiences. The record, ‘Jingle All the Way’ released in 2002, and is a bit of delightful holiday camp and irony afoot. From Brad Roberts' slow-mo delivery of "White Christmas"--with its heavy Hammond Organ--to Ellen Reid's Patsy Cline take of "O LiXle Town of Bethlehem," done in a convincing country-western style complete with pedal steel guitar. The dynamic and engaging stage show will feature original members Brad Roberts, Ellen Reid, Dan Roberts and Mitch Dorge who will be joined as always by Stuart Cameron and relative newcomer, Leith Fleming-Smith.

* Plus les taxes et les droits.
Les rabais accordés aux détenteurs de la Carte Club sont offerts uniquement sur les billets achetés aux Casinos. Bien que nous faisions tous les efforts pour que les renseignements concernant les spectacles soient corrects sur notre site Web, nous vous prions de téléphoner à Ticketmaster au 1-855-985-5000 pour obtenir l’information la plus récente sur la disponibilité des places.