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Direct From Las Vegas! One Night with the King

6:00pm Des portes | 7:00pm Event De Tous Ages

Promotional Video

Billets à partir de $34.00*
  • le Fév 9
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Direct from Las Vegas ! ONE NIGHT WITH THE KING captures the greatest musical era’s of Elvis’s career. The show covers the early days of Elvis career as he broke into the business at Sun Records as well as his introduction to the nation on the biggest TV shows of the times. Featuring non-stop music, multiple costume changes, a live band and 3 of the best Elvis Tribute Artists in the world! The show will take the audience on a journey through Elvis's career. Highlighted by the King of Rock and Rolls introduction to the world in the 1950's, the hits from some of Elvis's 33 movies, the infamous 1968 television appearance that marked Elvis's return to live performances and of course the concert years that are now so symbolized by the powerful vocals, high energy stage performances and the legendary jumpsuits. Starring: -Victor Trevino Jr. -2022 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist World Champion Awarded by Elvis Presley Enterprises and Graceland -Ted Torres Martin - 2016 Images of the King World Champion Awarded by the longest running Elvis tribute contest in the world. -Bill Cherry - 2009 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist World Champion Awarded by Elvis Presley Enterprises and Graceland

* Plus les taxes et les droits.
Les rabais accordés aux détenteurs de la Carte Club sont offerts uniquement sur les billets achetés aux Casinos. Bien que nous faisions tous les efforts pour que les renseignements concernant les spectacles soient corrects sur notre site Web, nous vous prions de téléphoner à Ticketmaster au 1-855-985-5000 pour obtenir l’information la plus récente sur la disponibilité des places.