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Snake Oil - A Hair Band Explosion!

SEP 15
7:00pm Des portes | 8:00pm Event De Tous Ages

Billets à partir de $30.00*
  • le Mai 11
Acheter des billets

SNAKE OIL - A Hair Band Explosion! It’s the classic rock music you love … and you can’t get enough of it. Are these rock icons the real thing or is this Snake Oil? This is not a tribute band! Snake Oil's musical cast not only look like the rock stars they portray, but they use their own natural voices to perfectly impersonate the singing and stage mannerisms of these rock icons. Snake Oil's impeccable authenticity to the original artists' recordings, with spectacular costumes, hilarious audience interaction and an array of incredible special effects, including video support. Snake Oil has an outstanding cast of world-class accomplished musical artists, talented singers, and technical support to ensure an authentic 80's arena-style rock show experience. Warp back to a time with the lost art and attitude of real 80's rock. The kind of costumed and propped rock show that filled and shook the arenas and stadiums of the world; The Hair Rock, Melodic Rock, and Classic Rock you love, fuelled with energy, fun and sprinkled in humor, these guys are good, real good! The rock icons portrayed on center stage are supported by Snake Oil's stage performers who are also in character. The spirit of the rock n' roll party and everything that goes along with it. The audience is guaranteed a good time! Portraying - KISS, Def Leppard, Alice Cooper, Queen, Ozzy Osbourne, Heart, Joan Jett, Cheap Trick, Alice Cooper, Van Halen, Pat Benatar, Lita Ford, and more.... Website -

* Plus les taxes et les droits.
Les rabais accordés aux détenteurs de la Carte Club sont offerts uniquement sur les billets achetés aux Casinos. Bien que nous faisions tous les efforts pour que les renseignements concernant les spectacles soient corrects sur notre site Web, nous vous prions de téléphoner à Ticketmaster au 1-855-985-5000 pour obtenir l’information la plus récente sur la disponibilité des places.

Snake oil event picture